I desperately wanted to dive into the pool, clothes and all, while taking this photo today. In fact, I almost fell in trying to balance on these glittery wedges.
As the temperature climbed to 30 degrees I started baking – not literally. Much to my boys’ disgust, we had home-made fried rice for dinner, packed full of vegies! Tomorrow is set to be a scorcher of around 38 degrees so I’ll definitely be having a dip, and buying sushi for dinner. There’ll be no baking in this house thank you very much!
These lace cream shorts were a $20 bargain from my Brighton boutique lady and the open weave Sportsgirl top was about $3 from the op shop. Cream is perfect teamed with gold and I added a bit of zing with bright green nails.
Cream is not my color, white is, but once you get a summer glow you can get away with almost any colour. Olive skinned people look great in most colours but when your skin is fair, not every colour will enhance your features.
A friend complimented my crochet top and asked if I remembered crochet bikinis. How could we forget them? She said she wasn’t game to wear them – neither was I. Wearing this top to kinder pick-up was about as risque as it gets. Crochet dresses are back in vogue and I have seen the occasional crochet bathers in the high-end magazines.
Scored these glittery wedges for $10 at Famous Footwear.
“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful.” John 14:27.
Gorgeous as always. 🙂
Thanks Shans!
its a bikini day today!! … for some people! i loved those lace shorts darling as u know
You can do a bikini; just keep up the walking!The lace fetish comes from you.