It was cold enough to bring out the fur today, which is not such a bad thing.
I love the look of leather under fur and was planning to pop a leather jacket under this long vest but it wasn’t cold enough. Opted for leather panels instead on this khaki top with asymmetrical hem.
I’m now happily ensconced on the couch in my Ugg boots in front of a crackling fire and enjoying the sound of rain on the roof. But with so many summery frocks waiting for an airing, surely this cold weather is on the way out!
I’ve been thinking a lot this week about random acts of kindness and how a simple gesture can greatly improve someone’s day.The best part is it doesn’t have to cost a cent. Gave it a test run today on a neighbour whose little girl just had a very painful and infected tooth pulled out at the dental hospital. Picked some white roses from my garden and asked Mum to raid her garden for white sweet-pea’s. Dropped the delightfully fragrant bunch over with a little card and didn’t stay to talk (they are exhausted!) but I could see they were deeply touched. I didn’t expect any reward but I got one – I feel good! Try it – it could be something as simple as a smile – and I guarantee it will take your mind off your own problems. And now you’re Looking Good Girls!
“Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 12:24.