Playing with clothes is sooooo much fun! It’s a wonderful way of expressing your God-given creativity.
This morning I grabbed a bright red scarf and tied it around my waist and voila, this simple black and white Jeanswest dress was given a bit of va-va-voom.
It wasn’t a last minute thing mind you – I choreographed the outfit in my head last night because I was keen to wear these red shoe-boots.
I actually had a reason to dress up today – I started a Freedom in Christ course with a group of lovely girls from my church. Today we learnt about the absolute love and acceptance we have in God.
It’s amazing how many lies we are fed in this world – things like our value is linked to how much we earn, what we look like and what we have. It’s simply not true and at the end of the day, it’s not important.
Obviously I like to look my best but my identity – who I am – is not tied up in that. I truly hope your identity isn’t either. I hope you have a deep peace and contentment about why you’re here, who you were created to be, and what your purpose is.
Please excuse my tired eyes! I’m about to go out to a big ladies night . . . I’ll attempt to show you my sequinned outfit tomorrow. And now you’re Looking Good Girls.
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full,” John 10:10.