I promised you more details about the shoot last week with television personality Derryn Hinch so here goes . . .
He’s nothing like I thought he’d be. Under the media spotlight he often comes across as loud and arrogant, but he wasn’t like that in person at all (of course he has to be when dealing with scumbags like pedophiles).
Derryn was fantastic to work with, very approachable and friendly, extremely hard working and passionate. We had a chat about his current predicament and out of respect for him, I’m not going to divulge details; but you’ll know soon enough.
When we filmed our confronting scene in the early hours of the morning, Derryn was encouraging and giving us positive feedback. I was playing a wife who, together with her ‘husband’, fends off two thugs and protects a victim whose partner has just been bashed by them (and later died).
On a lighter note . . . I love the lace on this floral dress and I felt so feminine wearing it. It’s a good thing I took these photos in the morning because some serious crap went down in the afternoon and I ended up looking like Alice Cooper from hard rock band Poison, with big mascara rings under my eyes!
Just remember to smile at someone today and be kind because you never know what people are going through. It’s highly likely the most annoying people, the ones you just want to punch in the face, are holding in a lot of hurt and suffering.
If you’re feeling low today, try putting on a beautiful outfit, great shoes and don’t forget to polish off with accessories and a fab bag! And now you’re Looking Good Girls!
“I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten . . . the consuming locust . . . You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you; and my people shall never be put to shame,” Joel 2:25-26.