Breathtakingly high side-splits are sashaying down the runway on skirts and dresses and they look hot, providing a sneak peak at toned legs and thighs. If the very thought makes you nauseous, a front split is a great alternative. This Bettina Liano skirt is about 12 years old and holds fond memories – I wore it on my first date with my hubby. In case you’re interested, we had a lovely dinner and have been inseparable since . . . apart from my solo beach walks, his testosterone-fuelled fast and furious cycling, my shopping expeditions, etc. There’s always a bit of togetherness on the couch once the boys are in bed! This pink jacket feels very European designer and I’m loving the zip detailing. The ruched black sleeves are built in. It was an $8 bargain from the Pre-Loved Clothing Shop in Chelsea. As I’ve mentioned before, belts are coming back in a big way. I read somewhere recently that corset sales are up 30 percent online! It was only a matter of time, given designers are smitten with the very female silhouette. Australian designer Zimmermann has just sent gorgeous floaty, perforated clothing down the runway. You’ll fork out a lot more than the $4 I paid for this perforated black top!
If you want less bling, opt for a patent black belt like this big one.
“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. ” Proverbs 15:1.
I like the fabric of the jacket
Thank you! When do we get to see you donning some of the goodies in your wardrobe?