I’ve never been a wallflower (pardon the pun) and that probably had a lot to do with today’s outfit.
It was all about colour, comfort and more colour for the boys’ first day back at school and kinder. I noticed a lot of older ladies checking out my leggings – they probably reminded them of the flower power 60’s, or was it the 70’s?
This teeny Cotton On dress perfectly matches the green flowers in the Supre leggings. It’s a look you will be seeing a lot more of – dresses over pants is fashion’s new perfect pairing.
Top designers tried to establish the new two-piece suit quite a while ago but it didn’t take off. Well suddenly, it has. Look out for flowing frocks over floaty pants or tunic dresses over pipe leg pants.
Metallic or neon high tops add a touch of athletic luxe . . .
and now you’re Looking Good Girls!
“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” Psalm 31:24.