I’ve always been a fan of pink and black together and I’m ramping up the combo thanks to this fab faux-leather jacket I picked up last year.
The fashion pack is now embracing pink in a big way . . . but you spied it here first! So stay tuned to LGG if you want to stay ahead of the pack.
In case you’re wondering about the fur trim around the bottom of this dress, just remember fashion is all about having fun and experimenting with new textures and looks. One friend thought I’d taken off with her dearly loved Scottish Terrier dog!
The warm weather is fading almost as fast as my tanned legs and slipping out in an LBD (little black dress) is about to become a fond but distant memory. It’s time to layer up, starting with a great jacket.
It’s the last day before three weeks of holidays for the boys so I’m going to step into the sunshine and embrace the peace and quiet while it exists! Have an awesome weekend. And now you’re Looking Good Girls!
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness,” Jeremiah 31:3.