I wasn’t planning on doing a post today as I’ve only had five hours sleep but it’s been an eventful morning involving a creepy guy and the police!
I was out doing the usual de-stress power walk when I noticed this guy who appeared to be loitering on a corner near a school. He was wearing a hoodie and hiding his face but I instantly knew he was someone to avoid. Some people call this gut instinct, I call it discernment – a God-given gift.
In fact a little voice (I call him my buddy the Holy Spirit) told me to cross the road. I took a wide berth around the guy and took my headphones out of my ears so I could hear if he was approaching me. I looked in my peripheral and saw he was on the move behind me – the quiet voice told me to hot foot it across the road.
I jogged over and sat down on a wooden beam and started calling the police. A lady in a BMW who had seen the action unfold pulled over and said she needed to talk to me. She thought the guy looked very creepy, hiding his face, and said that as I walked past him he started walking very fast directly behind me.
I thanked her for coming to my aid and called the local police station, reported what happened and gave them a description of the guy. They said they’d send officers out and next time I should call emergency triple 0.
I watched the creepy guy continue walking on the opposite side of the road at a rapid pace and I ducked into a building site to flag down a robust male! He then turned around and started galloping along in the opposite direction behind an older school boy. I kept watching as he disappeared down a driveway. I phoned the police again to give them an update then ran home!
I’ve been pretty freaked out ever since! And it’s typical that something like this would happen after the most amazing end-of-year celebration for all the girls at our church last night.
We had one of Australia’s premier Christian singers, Roma Waterman, sing prophetically over us and it was stunning. I bawled like a baby as God touched my heart powerfully with his words. I know He was protecting me this morning.
I’m totally exhausted from a late night and hubby getting up at 5am but after picking up this striped skirt for $5 at a Coles supermarket, of all places, I couldn’t resist styling it! On went the metallic studded top, Esprit pale denim jacket, Ash suede boots, Sussan bracelets and Sportsgirl handbag. And now you’re Looking Good Girls!
And here’s a couple of powerful Bible verse I speak over my family for protection every day . . .
“No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you . . .” Isaiah 54:17.
” . . . then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways . . . ” Psalm 91:10.