I’m not a big fan of the colour brown on me but I wanted to be snug today so this sheepskin-lined Garfunkle jacket was perfect.
We enjoyed a barbecue lunch with some great friends and I wasn’t sure if we’d be eating outside on the deck, so I took precautions, rugging up in these Zara booties, Zara jeans and a red Glassons wool knit.
It was so nice to be invited somewhere for a change – hubby and I seem to do a lot of entertaining. We had a lovely time and I realised I’m no longer clucky, despite the two gorgeous babies readily available for cuddles there.
This was a very casual outfit for me and the other mums looked much snazzier. Think I’ll have to step it up tomorrow! And now you’re Looking Good Girls!
“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17.